Were doin’ OK | Tulsa State Fair

Jirl Buck overseeing things at the chutes.

Sean Ison doubles up on Sullivan’s Red Touch-Up Paint to pain this front leg.

Evan Sims and Deb Vorthman doin’ work on a Hereford heifer.

Matt Scasta getting it right.

Whitney Andras gives her brother, Geoff some pointers on clipping a topline.

Claire Collins holds her sister, Cierra’s Grand Champion Horned Hereford Heifer before the Grand Hereford Drive.

Nick Fitzsimmons dialing in a tail head.

Jae Van Horn puts some last minutes touch ups with Sullivan’s Copper Touch-Up Paint.

Cole Clanton getting a better look at the back leg.

Craig Sand uses the Pulse ZR clippers.

Team work makes the dream work.

Wes Horn working on the champion polled Hereford heifer for Seth Tucker.

Jeremy Clark uses Sullivan’s Copper Red Touch-Up Paint on his daughters, Reserve Champion Polled Hereford.


The pulse archive