Tulsa State Fair | Cowboy-ing around in Oklahoma

Ashlee Purvine listening to her favorite show barn jams while getting her calf dry this morning.

Emily Schellenberg uses a SMART bucket to keep her steer hydrated before show day.

Tommy Glover leading the team on a hind leg.

Ella Weldon and Tail Adhesive make the perfect team on show day!

All smiles for Hannah Hawkesworth while she assists customers at the Sullivan Supply trailer!

Blake Henrichs agrees that the best way to build a leg is with Sullivan’s Powder’Ful.


Kate Sherrill putting some last minute touches on her steer in the chute with her Air Express III.

Rebecca Purvine using her SMART Scrub in the wash rack.

Have ewe stopped by the Stock Market Fan Shop tents yet?

Prospect Steer Judge, Jessie Schlipf evaluating her breed champions during champion drive.


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