This Thing is Legendary | Fort Worth Stock Show

Bitsy and Chase Waldrip are feeling the brotherly love after an exciting win.

Micah Dorsey clips out a top.

Coley Riley clips on a topline.

John Choate aims for perfection on this one.

Wyatt Keeney works on tailhead of a Shorthorn

Judge, Chris Mullinix, congratulates Aniston Floyd with a high five!

Jase Mixer is starting to become a Professional Cow Fitter.

Robin Thomas has all the feels after her daughter, Holly, wins Champion Hereford Steer.

Lane Goodroe focuses on a hind leg.

Jaxon Morris leads his Class Winner down the line.

Mason Frazier works on a Hereford.

Nattee Hood works on a front leg this morning.

Brogan Patschke has his game face on.

Full Focus.

Congratulations to Kinlee Rathmann on your Champion Angus Steer this morning!


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