The Boys from Oklahoma | Cattlemen’s Congress (Oklahoma City, OK)

Congratulations to Stewart Skiles on exhibiting the Supreme Champion Junior Market Steer this afternoon!


Newly elected congresswoman Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma City, OK made an appearance during the Supreme Junior Market Steer Drive this afternoon. She is pictured here with Jarold Callahan, CEO Express Ranches; Bob Funk, OYE Board Chairman; and Jimmy Harrel, OYE Board Vice Chairman.


Trust Sullivan Supply for your final touches on show day.


Tracy Goretska hard at work at the chute.


The Bonham crew had a very busy day.


Baylor Bonham and his buddies bring the heat.


Ruby Bell eyes down the judges in her class 5 Exotic Steer class.


Caroline Play and her team getting her class 13 steer ready.


The make up ring sure was hopping on this busy steer show day.


Reece Redwine gets her Champion ABC Steer stuck in drive.


Im blue da ba de da be da.


Crossbred steers are like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get.


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