Steers Steers Steers

It was a fantastic Steer Show in Austin, TX! Check out some candids from Rodeo Austin!

Ella Schooler dreams big and aims to win a new buckle here in Austin!

Kutter Bland is all smiles in the barn

Grayson Williams, Buster Moats, Kane Friermood and Jordyn Koonsman kick back and relax with a game of Go Fish.

This chair isn’t big enough for the both of us, or is it? Anniston and little brother Brody snuggle up in the barn

Jynli Woodley may be little but she sure is fierce.

This steer is getting the last laugh with Ty Sanders and Cade Amber, by kinking that hose!

Chad Philip makes washing easier with a Sullivan Supply Soap Foamer.


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