So Long, FAIRwell | Candids | 2020 State Fair of Texas

Bryntlee Wilkerson fixing beds.

Judge Jirl Buck giving a compelling grand drive speech.

Bobby Maddox — BIG shammy guy.

Seth Hammermeister showing off his expert wash rack skills.

Judge Jirl Buck selects Zane Potter’s Heavyweight AOB as the Grand Champion Market Steer.

Tony Jeffs and Doug McCollum solving the world’s problems.

Sometimes it’s best to just sit back and listen.

Laramie Priest and Ryan Rathmann still arguing about that steer class from 2015.

Peace out, state fair.

A sincere congratulations to all the staff at the State Fair of Texas who put in the work to make this show such a success. Texas livestock exhibitors and enthusiasts thank you for making this possible.


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