Shine Bright Like a Diamond | Arkansas Youth Expo

Mother/Daughter duo Linsay and Whitney Walker just a fraction of the glue holding AYE together.

Trenton Tosh blowing out calves.

Robin Hood and Willa Sandstorm Smart Scrubbin’ their way to success.

Things are Flarein’ up in the sheep barn.

Kevin Lynch getting the clipping done just right.

Sullivan’s Mini Soap Foamer makes washing a breeze for Tyler McMahen

Laney Slate leaving the line of Sheep showmanship contestants.

A busy morning checking in for lamb exhibitors.

Heaven Saneaton lovin’ on her mini Hereford.

This goat has placed all his bets on Sullivan’s Jackpot show box.

Coty and Justice Bell leaving a busy wash rack.

Sullivan Supply Sales Representative Charles Hill has had a busy day at the trailer. Stop by and get all of your favorite show supplies.

Trina Berry and Holly Swafford just hanging out in the sheep barn.


Lauren Posey had some help while blowing our their calf.

Sullivan’s Aquifer Portable Pen Watering System is a hit in the pig barn.


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