Rodeo Austin – Jr. Simbrah Heifers – Champions

Grand Champion Simbrah Heifer
Sire: LN LMC 12th Man
Dam: LMC Daydream 5Z173
Bred by: Seale, Scogin and La Muneca
Sold by: Seale, Scogin and Guerra
Congratulations to Madison Culpepper!

Reserve Grand Champion Simbrah Heifer
Sire: LMC Johnny Walker
Dam: Glamour
Bred and Sold by: Knezek Simmental/Simbrah Ranch
Congratulations to Caleb Fuchs

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”” width=”760″ height=”142″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-61364″ /></a>
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