Night of Champions | Tulsa State Fair

Congratulations to Kaid Reininger on be the 2019 Supreme Champion Junior Market Steer!

Finley and Tripp Yocham working together to fit their calf.

Pace Mittelstaedt was selected as the Junior Market Hog Supreme Champion

Noah Holm perfecting the tail head.

Travis Otterstad having a teachable moment with Braden Callis at the chutes before the champion drive.

Tony Jeffs and crew hard at work for the champion Charolais & Chianina steers for the Bell family.

Champion Maine steer in the chute for the Lockhart family.

Brandi Herndon, Agribusiness Manager for the Tulsa State Fair giving a presentation during the Night of Champions ceremony.

Denver McKay’s Reserve Maine-Anjou Steer in the chute.

Addyson Schneberger super excited to be selected as the 2019 Junior Market Goat Champion.

Judge, Dave Duello slaps his Reserve Supreme Market Steer – Congratulations, Tate Bell!

The Champion Limousin gets ready for Grand Drive.

Lucky Strike gets their Champions ready for the big dance.

Mason Smith accepts the Supreme Champion Market Lamb handshake.

It was a great Night of Champions here at the Tulsa State Fair!

Kaid Reininger and Baylor Bonham celebrating after Kaid’s win.


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