Motivated on a Monday at the Oklahoma Youth Expo!

Heifer Judges, Lydell Meier and Chad Breeding, look at the heifers one last time during the drive before selecting a Supreme Champion Female.

Neal Thompson dials in on the Champion Red Angus Heifer.

Thank you Griswold Cattle Company for trusting in Sullivan Supply products!

Jacob Hudlow uses Sullivan’s Ultra White Touch up paint on the Champion Chianina Heifer.

Congratulations to the Berlowitz family on having an extremely successful heifer show at the Oklahoma Youth Expo!

Sam Wallace and Garrett Cloud are proud Monkey Glue supporters!

Congratulations to Carlee Clark on having Reserve Supreme Champion Purebred female!

Craig Sand is in full concentration as he uses scissors to perfect the tailhead on his son, Colton’s, Reserve Supreme Influence heifer.

The Lucky Strike crew working on the Champion Composite Charolais Heifer before the grand drive.

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