It’s Steer Time at the HLSR!

Judge, Jack Ward, selects his Grand Champion Hereford this afternoon!

Everyone is striving for the “Bow-legged H” brand over the next three days!

Cash Knueper waters his steer before heading up to the ring.

Austin Breeding puts some last minute touches on his Reserve Grand Champion All Other Crosses Steer.

Drew Schroeder dries her AOC steer this morning, prepping to go to the ring.

Jack Ward works through his first class of the day up on the big screen!

High Octane is the go to for John Michael Mehaffey and his daughter Hattie May when feeding their market barrow this morning.

Audree Bicknell dries her steer of this afternoon.

Kinlee Rathmann pulls her Grand Champion Angus Steer around the ring today, congratualtions Kinlee!

There were big crowds over on the Market Barrow side today as Wave 2 kicked off.


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