It’s Good to be Oklahoma | Cattlemen’s Congress (Oklahoma City, OK)

Congratulations to McKenna Richardson on your Champion Junior LimFlex Heifer!


Chris Thomas uses Sullivan’s Game Changer on a heifer before going up to the ring.


Tyler Speck teaches Rowdy Berry the ropes this morning.


Kurt Meyer dials in the tailhead on Bailey Tomson’s Reserve Junior LimFlex Heifer.


Tar Tut clips on a back leg.


Madeline Welsh uses some Sullivan’s Black Finisher on a pen bull.


Sydney Wilkinson uses Sullivan’s Powder’Ful on a front leg.


David Ratliff smokes in a topline this afternoon.


No wash rack space? No problem for Troy Richardson as he gets innovative to wash the Champion Junior LimFlex Heifer.


Jordan Ruppert pulls up the leg on a Limousin.


All fun and games here in OKC for Holly Thomas and Megan Hoffman!


Congratulations to Morgan Wise on your Champion Junior Limousin Heifer this morning!


Justin Wadlow uses Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive on hind leg.


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