Houston Livestock Show – Open Maine-Anjou

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 11.46.02 AMGrand Champion Maine-Anjou Female
szh Pistol Annie
Sire: szh sage
Dam: rjfm sammie 610S
Congratultions to HH-Hay Ranch Land & Cattle LLC

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 11.46.39 AMReserve Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Female
BBR Belle 488B
Sire: SLC Sooner 101M
Dam:WCC Erica 36R
Congratultions to Carissa Jones

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 11.46.18 AMGrand Champion Maine-Anjou Bull
szh truckstop coffee
Sire: haa wisdom 505S
Dam:bk pretty baby 411P
Congratultions to HH-Hay Ranch Land & Cattle LLC

Photos Courtesy of Show Champions Livestock Photos.


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