“I want to express the sincerest appreciation to Clint McCauley for coming to my aid when I realized this steer didn’t have signature Tony Austin clipper lice on him anywhere and it was time for him to set the shears down, great job getting him tight and right! Thanks to Colby Collins and his crew with all of their help on show day and thank you to Mitch Armitage breeder of the steer who was there by our side from 7 am until we walked into the ring. On behalf of the Patton family and myself, I appreciate everyone’s contribution. Also Congratulations to our friends, The Kevin Newman family as well as to Meatball and the Cogburn family. JOB WELL DONE TO ALL!!”–Rachel Patton
Rachel stood third in class with her Monopoly X Draftpick steer at the Fort Worth junior market steer show, behind the two calves that would eventually go on to win Grand and Reserve overall. Dr. Mark Johnson said that specific class of steers was “the best class of steers I have ever had the privilege of judging.”
From all of us at Sullivan Supply we would like to say how proud we are of Rachel for exhibiting such sportsmanship after competing in such a prestigious event.