Blast from the Past

What an awesome story we had to share from the Fort Worth Stock Show Facebook page!

Allie Henrie and her steer Reeses won the 2010 Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer at the ‪Fort Worth Stock Show. Reeses sold for a whopping $200,000. However, the story doesn’t end there. We caught up with Allie on Instagram to find out what Reeses is doing NOW (four years later):

“I found out that Reeses now has a $200,000 scholarship named after him that goes to help special needs children that participate in events at Rocky Top Rehab in Keller. Reeses went to Rocky Top after he left the Fort Worth Zoo. This calf keeps on blessing me even almost 4 years later. I cannot believe that this one steer is blessing so many people. I love that Texas FFA Association and 4-H can provide such opportunities to so many people that aren’t even involved. A very big thank you to FFA, 4-H, and the Fort Worth Stock Show. I LOVE this life and all the opportunities and blessings that it provides!”

“So after hearing some news about Reeses and finding out that he was still at Rocky Top I just had to go see him! Even after about 3&1/2 years he is still just as sweet as ever and remembered me just like it was yesterday! He is HUGE now, he’s got to at least be 2,000 pounds! Rocky Top truly is an amazing place to help kids with disabilities and even further the scholarship they have named after Reeses is going to help these children further their therapy and activities here!”


Photo and story shared from the Fort Worth Stock Show Facebook page!

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