North American Limousin Jr. National | Stock Show University Family Fit-Off

Team Fanta and Team Parkinson went head to head today in the Stock Show University Family Fit-Off


Colt Parkinson helps keep his family’s steer cool with a Sullivan’s Eskimo Throw  during today’s Challenge


Professor, Shelby Skinner answers some questions during today’s clinic.


Casey Fanta uses some Tail Adhesive to pull a front leg.


Jonny and Tucker Parkinson work together to ball the tail on their calf.


Shelby Skinner talks clipping angles.


Tucker Parkinson focuses on a front leg.


Wiley Fanta works on a tailhead.


Amber Parkinson pulls up a topline during today’s fitting challenge.


Professor, Adam Griffith speaks on Teflon Combs


All the focus for Brady Edge as he joined Team Fanta in the Family Fit-Off.


It was a close race to the finish but after a double tie, the winner was settled in a Rock, Paper, Scissors match with Team Fanta coming out on top!

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