Wisconsin State Fair | Fair Time is the Best Time!

The Lyons sisters, Jamie and Julia, take twinning to a new level with matching clippers and Sullivan Supply apparel.

We have the champion line up waiting for you at the Sullivan Supply trailer, stop by and make the champion’s choice.

Rease Brock is focused on dialing in her tail head with Tail Adhesive

Madelyn King is all smiles for the beginning of show day.

Jase Henschler sprays on the volumizer with his Sullivan Soap Foamer.

Brenna Thorson and her dad do double duty with Jet Black Touch Up Paint.

National Sales Representative Caroline Davis bags up Black Finisher for a customer.

Lindsey Schmoll works on perfecting her back leg with her metal skip tooth comb.

Judge Brett Cater and Zach Butler evaluate the breeding heifers during champion drive.

Emily Graber keeps warm in her Sullivan Supply jacket while using her Beast Blower to get her steer dry.

Our Hereford royalty brightening up the ring during the champion drive selections this evening.


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