When Should I Start Fitting My Calf? | Tips from Stock Show University®

This is a common question that most first time beef exhibitors ask. The rule of thumb is that you should allow approximately two minutes per head. You will need to count the number of head that show before you to determine what time you will approximately show. For example, if your animal is the 65th head in the show order, you will need to take 65 and multiply it by 2 minutes. This will get you the total amount of minutes that it will take from the beginning of the show until you will be in the show ring. (65 × 2 = 130 minutes) Now, say the show starts at 8:00am. It is safe to say that you will be showing around the time of 10:15 am. Knowing that information, you should give yourself at least one hour before you show to fit your dry, clean animal. So for the example that was previously used, you will need to put your clean, dry animal in the chute around 9:00am.

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