Judge, Amanda Schnoor selects her Supreme Champion. Congratulations to Avery Salla on your Supreme Champion Steer in both rings today!
Keaton Otto puts some final touches on with Sullivan’s Black Finisher
Judge, Baylor Bonham eyes his eventual Reserve Supreme Steer. Congratulations to Emma Sinclair on Reserve Supreme Steer in both rings!
Scott Campbell works on a topline this morning.
Couple Goals. Bailey Jago and Cole Ridnour get a market heifer ready this morning.
Baylor Bonham eyes his Champion Drive line-up walking in the ring.
Blackout 7 Intern by day, Team Goretska by Grand Drive – Macey Goretska just does it all.
Tommy Meeks perfects a tailhead this morning.
Hirchell Leclair dials in a belly line.
Raymond Gonnet just gets it done today.
Judge, Travis Otterstad talks his Champion Market Heifer line-up