Grand Champion Polled Bull
H Deberard 7454 ET
DOB: March 14, 2018
Sire: UPS Sensation 2296 ET
Bred By: Hoffman Herefords, Thedford, Neb.
Congratulations to Hoffman Herefords, Thedford, Neb., Express Ranches, Yukon, Okla., Williams Hilltop Farms, Rushford, Minn., and Ward Ranch, Edmond, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Polled Bull
H Montgomery 7437 ET
DOB: March 11, 2917
Sire: UPS Sensation 2296 ET
Bred By: Hoffman Herefords, Thedford, Neb.
Congratulations to Hoffman Herefords, Thedford, Neb., JB Show Cattle, Refugio, Texas, Carlisle and Madeline Braman, Refugio, Texas