Championship Sunday | Iowa Beef Expo

Congratulations to Dalton Shanks on exhibiting the Supreme Champion Market Animal!

Have you stopped by the Sullivan Supply trailer and picked up your Flare hoodie, yet?

Chuck Wilson working on a backleg.

Market Steer judge Dr. Dave Duello evaluating the cattle during the final drive.

Jake Campbell dialing in a tailhead.

The Rodgers crew celebrates a successful day.

Congratulations to Mindy Campfield, Director of the Iowa Beef Expo on another successful show this year!

The man, the myth, the legend – Tracey Goretska, a misguided Pittsburgh Steelers Fan.

John Grauer getting some clipping practice in.

Big Chief, Wade Rodgers putting the finishing touches on the champion market steer.

Dylan Manning gets a handshake after winning Reserve Champion Steer.


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