We Have Yee’d Our last Haw | National Western

Cash Pratt’s steer was selected as the Grand Champion Prospect Steer. Congratulations, Cash!

Congratulations to Kade Gensini on being selected as Grand Champion Prospect Breeding Heifer!

Tony Jeffs ues Sullivan’s Black Finisher on a front leg.

LeClaire Cattle Co. and the Fyre Sisters have the right idea for show day essentials

Brett Foley puts some final touches on this belly.

Colby Taber blows out a steer this morning.

Jerrod Arthur dials in a tailhead during the Prospect Steer Show today.

Wade Rodgers perfects the tail head on daughter, Rhylee’s 5th Overall Steer.

Scott Campbell has good taste in Adhesive and sports teams… I-L-L

Dustin Smith works on a back leg this morning.


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