Vegas All Breed Sale | This Saturday

Check out this unique sale opportunity brought to you by! The Vegas All Breed sale is this Saturday, December 7th in Las Vegas. Click here for more information. Click here for more information.

JSUL Big Dreams 9249G from Sullivan Farms on Vimeo.

SULL Big Dreams 9249
Sire: Silverias Style Dam: SVJ She’s the Dream B796
Selling open. Sara Sullivan will show free of charge if the buyer so chooses to. Another daughter of SVJ She’s the Dream B796 and full sister to; JSUL Dream Big 8992F the 2019 NAILE Grand Champion Percentage Simmental as Reserve at the 2019 FWSS Open Show and grand champion at the 2019 NWSS Junior show. JSUL Big Dreams 9249G has been a standout since this summer and has a very
bright future ahead of her that is sure to see some backdrop pics. She combines the eye appeal and body mass desired for today’s show ring. With her proven pedigree and success of her full sisters u can be confident of what’s to come in the future from the young female. Consigned by Sullivan Farms, Dunlap, IA.

JS Barb 57F from Sullivan Farms on Vimeo.

**SELLING AS LOT 15 • Vegas All Breed Sale • This Saturday** visit for more information.
JS Barb 57F
Sire: MR HOC Broker. Dam: KAR Barb
Sullivan Farms will retain two successful flushes.
Safe bred to 3ACES Skyfall 9576 (Angus). Due 04.04.20.
JS Barb 57f is an absolute powerhouse when you study her bone work and body mass yet still maintains that mass in a very smooth maternal design with some added performance. Her donor dam, KAR Barb 1160 is a SAV Bismark daughter for JS Simmentals. This young future donor will add value to anyone’s program that will click very well on a lot of today’s popular sires. The Broker daughters are making incredible cows with excellent udders and milking abilities. JS Barb 57F has a successful show career for Sara Sullivan that included a Reserve Division at the 2019 FWSS Open Show.

JSUL Mary’s Profit 8352 from Sullivan Farms on Vimeo.

**SELLING AS LOT 16 • Vegas All Breed Sale • This Saturday** visit for more information.
JSUL Mary’s Profit 8352F
Sire: Profit. Dam: JBSF Proud Mary
Sullivan Farms will retain two successful flushes.
Sells open. JSUL Mary’s Profit 8352F was one of four sisters born at Sullivan Farms in their 2018 fall calf crop. She was picked to be held back to add to our show string. We have decided to offer this great female to you in her prime and right before breeding time on her. Whether you decide to show her or make part of your donor program she will add value to your program either way. If you do decide to show her everyone better watch the outcome this summer. Her full sister JSUL Proud Marry 8380F sold this past Spring in Tim Schaeffer’s sale for $19,500 and has had a successful show run this far being selected division champion at the National Junior Heifer show and Reserve Division Champion at the ’19 NAILE Junior Show. These two females come from one other most proven cows in the Simmental breed JBSF Proud Mary 317C. She has worked literally to every sire we have done her with.

TASF Fallon 190F from Sullivan Farms on Vimeo.

**SELLING AS LOT 29 • Vegas All Breed Sale • This Saturday** visit for more information.
Sire; TASF Crown Royal. Dam: PBRS 348U
Safe bred to PVF Insight 0129 (PB Angus) son. Due 03.24.20.
A female that comes from one of the most prestigious programs in the country that raises limousin females, Thomas and Son’s Farms. TASF Fallon 190F was a calf champion at the 2019 NWSS and is on track for the 2020 NWSS hill show. She is a female of added eye appeal, structural correctness, and muscle shape in a very smooth maternal design. Sara Sullivan will be showing this female at the upcoming 2020 NWSS and FWSS. This will be the best Lim-Flex female shown by Sara in recent years. With her genetic makeup and build this young female is sure to produce future show heifers at the highest level. Seller retains right to two successful future flushes and show rights through 2020 NWSS & FWSS.

WSCC Princess 81F from Sullivan Farms on Vimeo.

**SELLING AS LOT 30 • Vegas All Breed Sale • This Saturday** visit for more information.
Sullivan Farms will retain show rights thru the NWSS and FWSS
Safe bred to Daddy’s Money. Due 2.02.20
A powerhouse Maine Angus female that was raised by Willow Springs Cattle Company. A daughter of the popular Maine Anjou sire BOE Garth and out of an Insight donor cow that originated at Express Ranch. This young female is a moderate framed beast with incredible body shape. She reads to be maternal enough to raise elite females and powerful enough with structural integrity to produce high-end show steers. Princess 81F’s full sister was recently selected at the Grand Champion Maine Angus Female at the 2019 American Royal.


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