Tulsa State Fair | It’s Tulsa Time

Congratulations to Hadley Bell on winning the prospect steer show today at the Tulsa State Fair!

Good Morning Tulsa State Fair & Good Luck Exhibitors!

Talon Alexander is a big fan of Sullivan’s Black Out!

The Wahl X-Block Blades were being put to the test in the barns today.

Sullivan Supply Sales Representative, Hannah Hawkesworth is the definition of service with a smile.

Saylor Norvell & Saddie Plagg look like future Pulse Correspondents!

Beast Blowers and Turbo fans are stock show staples.

Shane Sturgeon uses Sullivan’s Cinnamon Touch Up Paint.

Hey Braden Wilson, we like your sweatshirt.

Ryan Campbell is so chatty, we are surprised he found time to clip.

Andis clippers only for Luke Andis.

Cody Melton had the Powder’ful flying this morning.

Ben Stafford back with Black Out!


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