Tulsa State Fair | Cattle Team Fitting Contest Sponsored by Sullivan Supply

Defender bags, Undress, Smart Combs, Break Away, Hydrator, and Eskimo Cooling Collars. What else could you ever want?

What a great line up of Sullivan Supply products that participants could win!

Smart Buckets, Comb Sleeves, 360 Fluffers are all items that participants could win during today’s contest.

Clancey Cunningham grabs the Jet Black to help her team advance to 3rd Overall during the contest.

Allie Enlow completely focused shaping out a tailhead.

Turner Longacre joined with his two favorite products – Tail Adhesive and Flare.

Ross Turner focused on clipping a top on a heifer.

Alexis Enlow getting the leg back to black with Jet Black.

Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag, giving instructions during today’s fitting contest.


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