Heatin’ up in Coooolorado | National Western

Congratulations to Kinnick Paulsen on a successful day!

Chris Barton smokes in a back leg.

Olivia Williams pulls a back leg during today’s Limousin Show.

Thank you to Paulsen Cattle for trusting in Sullivan Supply products on Show Day!

Congratulations to McKinlee Palmatary on your Champion Open Limousin Female!

Wilder Family Limousin gets a heifer ready during the Open Show today.

Layna Bond and Katie Hiltbrand just goatin’ around at today’s Sullivan Supply’s Goat Team Fitting Contest.

Keep your eye on the prize.

It takes an army to get one ready on show day, and McKinlee Palmatary sure does seem to have one. Congrats to all!

An emotional Grand Drive wrapped up today’s National Medal of Excellence Limousin Show, dedicated to the late Gene Raymond.

Kyle Anderson gets some final clipping in before the Angus Show this week.

Andrew Foster is all about the small details when it comes to clipping.


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