Thursdays are for the Shorthorns | American Royal

Stephanie and Keagan Stock share a moment after Keagan’s Open Shorthorn Show win.


Derek Evans works on a hind leg.


Sara Sullivan focusing on her Champion AOB heifer today!


Tucker Stewarts puts the big smoke on this belly.


Big your A Game with Sullivan’s Game Changer on show day!


Wyatt Debman uses some Sullivan’s Red Touch Up paint on a top line.


Packin’ on the Powder.


Keagan Steck waiting for his champion open shorthorn slap!


Dylan Enhyart dials in a top line.


Tyler Cates uses Sullivan’s line Red of paints, do you?


Jared Bain works on a back leg of an AOB this afternoon.


Congratulations to Miller Smith on your Junior Shorthorn Show win!


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