The Pulse turns 8 months old!

We could not be more excited with the response we have received from The Pulse in these first 8 months! From Denver all the way through the State Fairs it has been awesome getting to meet all of the great people in the industry and share all of your fun pictures and show results! We want to encourage everyone to continue to send in anything and everything you would like!! The Pulse is by the people of the show cattle industry FOR the people of the show cattle industry. So send in everything you want to see on The Pulse! We want it all from fun photos to show results, and cattle information.

If you have not downloaded The Pulse app yet make sure you head over to the App Store or Google Play to get The Pulse right on your phone or tablet! There are many great features including push notifications that will let you be the very first to know all the winners from the major shows across the country.

Make sure to stop by and say hello if you see me or any other member of The Pulse team at a show!! We would love to meet all of you and get your feedback!! Never hesitate to shoot me a text at 870-754-1160 and give me your updated show results and industry news!

Thanks for viewing The Pulse!!
Luke Bolin, Manager of The Pulse



The pulse archive