The Girls Took The Stage | Iowa State Fair

Congratulations to McKenna DeCap on exhibiting the Supreme Champion 4-H Heifer.


Sara Sullivan prefects a hind leg on her Reserve Supreme Champion 4-H Heifer


Riley Jansen dials in a tailhead on the Champion Charolais Heifer.


Sloane Curtin gets this front leg clipped.


Sullivan’s Flare spotted being used on the Champion Polled Hereford Heifer by Nick Deppe.


Addison Lehman gets the Champion Hereford’s back leg smoked in.


Judges, Wayne and Barb Ohlrichs analyze their Supreme Line-Up


Hocus Pocus was spotted in all the wash racks today!


Kinnick Paulsen smokes in the front leg on his heifer.


Jenna Tlach uses Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive for all of her show day fitting needs.


It’s a family affair as Coy Steenhoek asks sister, Chesney, for advice while fitting his Reserve Simmental Heifer.


Kendall Bremer helps his daughter, Avery Belcher, get her ready for the Grand Drive.


Congratulations to all the heifer exhibitors!


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