Thank you to the NJSA Junior Board for putting on a FANTASTIC show so far!
Front Row Left to Right: Julia Scarborough, Riley Stull, Madison Kelley, Jackie Wible, Bailey Craft (Events & Education Manager), Paige Vierra, Madalyn Nissen, Delaney Frame
Back Row Left to Right: Ricky Loftin, James DeRouchey, Mason Wall, Brody Nemecek, Jackson Sterle
Baynx Stirling is dialing in a top.
Brayden Ulguray is observing a barrow before hitting the ring.
NJSA Junior Board Member Delaney Frame helps her family get ready to show.
The NEW SULLIVAN’S DRIVER WHIP is the way to go when shopping for whips.
Sullivan Supply Sales Representative A.J. Hornback is hard at work restocking whips.
Black Pearl is quickly making its way into the show day routine.
The Sheldon Family is all smiles after earning Reserve Yorkshire Barrow this afternoon.
Bright Lights was a key product for our Yorkshire and Chester White Barrows in the wash rack today.
NJSA Barrow Judge Maverick Squires had to take a lower angle to evaluate a class.