The 2022 Best Jr. Activities Director – Amy Cowan

Every year, thousands of junior exhibitors load up their trailers and head off to junior nationals. They get so excited to mix and mingle with old and new friends. These events are born from the hearts and minds of Junior Advisors. This year we get to celebrate a Junior Advisor who has dedicated 25 years to enhancing youth experiences one day at a time. Congratulations to our 2022 Best of the Barns Jr. Activities Director, Amy Cowan!


We caught up with Ralston Ripp, Vice Chairmen of the Junior Board, at Hereford Junior Nationals to get the inside scoop on how Amy Cowan keeps the junior association, fresh, motivated, and fun!


When did you first meet/working with Amy?
I grew up showing Herefords so I had always noticed Amy at junior events. It was my first one on one conversation with Amy at the 2019 faces of leadership in Grand Island, NE. This conference was centered around innovation and the attendees were tasked with coming up with a new idea/innovation they could promote. I came up with the idea to create a teflon tip for adhesive cans, while this activity was just for fun, Amy saw an opportunity that would fit an industry need and really pushed us to dig further into research and trying to move forward with this. That one interaction sold me on wanting to be on the junior board and work closer with Amy.
How does Amy mentor people to grow and be better?

 She is always so super supportive of ideas and encourages everyone to be better.  Amy’s passion for the Hereford History shines through in all her work but yet she still remains innovative and creative and ask the same of those around her. She challenges others to do their best and does so by leading through example. She has always guided the junior board through big decisions, events, and other various opportunities but never pushed us into thinking/doing a certain thing. She is very good at opening the conversation and getting ideas flowing but then handing the reins over and letting us solve the task at hand with her support.

What is a saying Amy frequently uses?

“Always be thinking Ahead”

This statement has become the motto of our junior board and we all strive to stay one step ahead of the game.


What is one thing she looks forward to most about her job?

At the top of the list is welcoming everyone back to Junior Nationals,  catching up with the Hereford family, and watching juniors succeed and be apart of all the fun. We see this impact every year after any and all Junior Hereford events Amy plans and executes across the country, throughout the year.

Why do you think she deserved being named Best of the Barns Best Jr. Activities Director?

There is so many things that I am sure played in to it but Amy is famous for always acknowledging that there is more to learn. I think this truly sets her apart because she is constantly developing new ideas and implementing new strategies into our program. She’s never afraid to keep learning but she’s always looking to make it better. Along with being a personable and humble individual, Amy acknowledges the fact that no one knows everything and is always looking to grow and keep things fresh. 
What does the Junior Board take away from working with her?

Amy is instrumental in developing us as young adults and helping us find a spot in the industry. There is so much we take away from this experience but the stress she puts on the power in being present is huge. Being aware of what is happening around you helps you be prepared for what is coming next. It all ties into the previous statement of “Always be thinking ahead”.  I think we all have become more aware of knowing not only industry news & world news but also just being aware of current events. It has developed us into forward thinkers and well-rounded young adults.

What is her favorite event/show she is a part of?

Is it too easy to say all of them? One that rises to the top is BOLD held in Desdemona, Texas with GKB Ranches. There is a small group of juniors who attend in order to continue growing their knowledge of the industry as well as make connections with other juniors from across the country. This event, I believe, is special to Amy because it is such a small group that get to go and it allows her to bond with different juniors.  Others events she definitely looks forward to include Faces of Leadership, Junior Nationals, and, of course, anytime she is with her Hereford Junior families.

What is your most “Amy” memory, one that really defines her?

During a recent Faces of Leadership conference, the group went white water rafting. The Junior Board ended up way behind the others but were determined to catch up fast! Their goal was to take over the Jr. Advisor raft. With Amy’s quote in mind, they were present in the moment but were planning for the next big laugh! They were successful by surprising and taking over the Jr. Advisor raft and it was a core memory for all of us. Even though they all ended up soaking wet and in the water everyone was in such good humor and it really sums up how she always rolls with the flow.

How has she helped improve the organization?

From a junior standpoint, the coolest thing is Amy’s ability  at recognizing how to invent new ideas and events. The next superpower Amy possess is to make those events happen. She is always bringing new ideas to the association but also makes sure it is executed well. Some of these include setting up scholarships, creating ways to make sure it stands the test of time, and never letting an opportunity to build a long standing tradition pass her by. 

Since Amy travels quite a bit for her job, what is Amy’s go to traveling song?

You can find Amy jammin’ to anything Keith Whitley or classic 80’s country.

Over the course of 25 years, Amy’s influence has reached across the country. Thousands of junior board members and exhibitors have been inspired by her leadership, warmed by her compassion, and encouraged by her contagious joy! She’s has created a legacy in the Junior Hereford Association and it’s all because she’s always eager for the next big thing! We think you are the next big thing Amy! Sullivan Supply tips their hat to you and wishes you 25 more years of success. Without leaders like you are industry would be lost.  Congratulations on being awarded the 2022 Best of the Barns Jr. Activities Director, Amy Cowan!



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