Texas 2-Day Cattle Stock Show University® Grad Program | Graduation Day in the Lone Star State

All eyes and ears were on the fitting demonstration first thing this morning.

Tess Mittag, Manager of Stock Show University®, and Kaelee Starnes work together during the one-on-one fitting portion of the day.

Professor Justin Olsen shaping a back leg for the audience.

Gabe Swallow is a big fan of the PrimeTime adhesive when pulling a leg up.

Professor Darcy Boyce answering questions about PrimeTime adhesive.

Superstick, Kason Shaw chooses to show his heifer with a Sullivan’s First Class Halter.

Sales Representative, Jordan Nall assisting customers at the trailer.

Professor Eli Smallwood and Riley Morin working on a tailhead together.

Professor Jason Gaston answers questions about proper show stick size.

I spy someone who 100 percent approves of Stock Show University® Grad Programs!

Professor JW McCurry showing off his showmanship skills to the crowd.


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