Sundays and Steers in the Sweetheart City | Green & Gold Showdown & Blackout 6 Jackpot (CO)

Congratulations to Julia Frye on having the Grand Champion Blackout 6 Overall Market Steer!

Congratulations to Brooke Egbert on her Grand Champion Green & Gold Showdown Overall Market Steer!

Holton Smith stands ring side with his brand new Sullivan’s Smart Comb.

Mark Hoge gives his final remarks before he selects the Supreme Market Steer at the Blackout 6.

Sam Stafford walks his Champion Mini Hereford Steer in the ring during Supreme Drive.

Brandon Callis works through a very tough Division of Crossbred Steers tonight.

Dusty Rhoads puts some final touches on the Reserve Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Steer with Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive.

Congratulations to Whitney and Mason Walker on a successful weekend at the Green & Gold Showdown and Blackout 6 Jackpot!

Mason Flack dials in the front leg on the Champion Mini Hereford this afternoon.

Cody Burke uses the Pulse ZR clippers to put some final touches on the Blackout 6 Reserve Champion Market Heifer.

Chloe Sandy pulls the back leg on a Market Heifer.

Cashlin Reinick waits to go in the ring today.


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