Precise fitting techniques were a trend amounts many senior fitting contestants.
Kallie Knott stays focused while pulling a back leg.
Senior fitting contestants set trends in fashion as well as skill in todays fitting contest.
A great turn out for all ages of the fitting contest today!
A dynamic duo keeps their calf calm while making her look her best.
Judges Greg and Denver Alsup contemplate who will take home the team fitting championship title.
A contestant focuses on every little detail during the contest.
The judges had a little fun while discussing fitting techniques with junior contestants.
Carlee Clark gets the tail head looking just right!
A team hustles to reach the intense 20 minute deadline.
Sullivan’s Prime Time Adhesive was a popular choice in the fitting contest today!
An anxious audience cools off while awaiting the contest results.
Young Charolais juniors impress the judges today with their awesome fitting skills!