Sullivan Supply/Stock Show U Team Fitting Contests @ Kansas Beef Expo

We were excited to see a great group of people come out to the Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University team fitting contest at the Kansas Beef Expo. The fitting talents of all of the juniors was very impressive.

Congratulations to the Champion team with members Jason May, Wyatt Durst and Mckenna Richardson. Pictured with Dana Drummond, Special Projects for Sullivan Supply and judge Todd Caldwell.

Reserve Champion going to Jared Hoffman, Ethan Dickerson, and Travis Drumm.Pictured with Dana Drummond, Special Projects for Sullivan Supply and judge Todd Caldwell.

A special category at the event this year was the PeeWee Champion Team of Dax, Seibery, Brandon Abeldt, and Austin Woodrow. Without a doubt the picture of determination. Pictured with Dana Drummond, Special Projects for Sullivan Supply and judge Todd Caldwell.

championteamMcKenna Richardson working on a back leg during the contest.

peeweeworkingIt was awesome to see three friends, Dax Siebery, Brandon Abeldt and Austin Woodrow working together on their Mini Hereford Female.

prizesPrizes sponsored by Sullivan Supply and Stock Show University.

Mason Walker showcasing his clipping talents.


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