Sullivan Supply Team Fitting Contest at the Minnesota Beef Expo

Champion Team with Judges Garrett Davis, Jason May, and Josh Nelson. Also pictured with Gabby Glenister, Asst. Dean of Stock Show U.
Tyler DeGroot age 12
Trevor Bormann age 16
Luke Streight age 18
Reed Shoekly

Reserve Team
Klay Lorentz age 12
Kole Lorentz age 14
Jared Radcliffe age 21
Beau Peine

Third Overall Team
Tate Johnson age 13
Hannah Neil age 16
Nick Delaney age 21
Jackson Neil

Fourth Overall Team
Ryan Hegland age 13
Hunter Aggen age 17
David Donnelly age 18
Will Bollum

Fifth Overall Team
Luke Bjorklund age 13
Thomas Netzke age 14
Truman Chamness age 18
Nick Thate

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