Sullivan Supply Summer Internships – Deadline Today

Sullivan Supply offers one Traveling Sales internship from May-August in Dunlap, Iowa, with extensive travel. Selected applicant will travel alongside our sales team to junior nationals and state fairs across the country. The ideal applicant would be able to lift 40lbs, have an outgoing personality, and be knowledgeable about the livestock industry. Submit cover letter and resume to Bryce Tiffany, Show Manager, at by February 1st!

Attention Ag Communications students, Sullivan Supply, is offering a summer Communications internship from Mid-May to Late-August in Dunlap, Iowa. The selected application will travel to junior nationals and state fairs throughout the summer, helping bring the stock show industry to life on The Pulse. The ideal applicant would be creative, organized, and have an outgoing personality. Experience with photography, Adobe Software, and writing is encouraged. Submit cover letter and resume to Luke Bolin, Director of Communications & Advertising, at by February 1st!

Sullivan Supply is seeking a high-energy, organized, and outgoing individual to serve as the Stock Show University intern for the summer. Experience with livestock shows, public speaking, and working in a team environment is encouraged. Submit cover letter and resume to Taylor Harrison, Manager of Stock Show University, by February 1st!


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