Sullivan Supply Stock Show University® Fitting Trifecta at The AJSA NATIONAL CLASSIC XLIII

The crowd was massive at the Fitting Trifecta!


The handstand contest winners!

Professor Chris Hawver using Black Finisher to seal up his masterpiece.


John Sullivan, Founder of Sullivan Supply & Stock Show University, explaining the beginning steps of getting started fitting.

The crowd has lots of questions, and our professors always stay until the last question is answered!


Jon DeClerk modeling the big hat before Livestock Loot!

Professor Tim Schaeffer packing on the powder’ful!


Master Professor Taylor Harrison reviewing the importance of letting your adhesive and paint try between each step.

It’s all hands in the air for the giveaways.

Hand stand master John Sullivan, showing the kids hows it’s done.

Burke Shipman is grabbing all the loot he can.

Brandon Thome has got the loot in the bag!

Our winners of the Livestock Loot Giveaway were Burke Shipman, Bandon Thome and Taylor Baylee Hardey. The winner of the clippers sponsored by Purina was Ava Ruble. Pictured with Master Professor Taylor Harrison, Professors Tim Schaeffer and Chris Hawver, John Sullivan, Founder of Sullivan Supply & Stock Show University, and Purina Representatives Ashley Fitzsimmons and Jon DeClerk.

The pulse archive