Sullivan Supply had the Opportunity to host the North American Junior Limousin Association Board’s Fall Meeting. The weekend was filled with manufacturing tours, farm stops, and all the Sullivan Supply Swag a suitcase can hold! Sullivan Supply looks forward to seeing all our Limousin friends in South Dakota for the 20223 Junior Nationals.
Sullivan Supply is committed to Limousin!
The NAJLA Board out at Sullivan Farms.
John Sullivan, Founder of Sullivan Supply and Sullivan Supply explain the importance of hard work at home with cattle before hitting the show road.
John Sullivan, Founder of Sullivan Supply and Sullivan Supply and Josh Elder, Herdsman at Sullivan Farms posing with the NAJLA Board.
Each Junior Board member got to take home a custom Sullivan Supply banner!
Josh Elder, Herdsman at Sullivan Farms, talking a set of calves.
Scott Kinzer, New Product Development, James Sullivan, Director of Marketing and General Manager Matt Burkhart had a blast with the junior board talking new products, marketing and playing corn hole!