The Sale will be hosted on SC Online Sales on October 15th!
Calves are in Denison, Iowa, if you’re close by stop and take a look!
You will not be disappointed, some of the best females to date!
Lot 1
ShorthornPlus Heifer
McKinley X Grizzly Bear
Lot 2
Charolais Heifer
Firewater X 8063 Easy Pro (full sib to 100 Proof and DSUL Bunny 58B)
Lot 3
High % Chi Heifer
WDM X DSUL Kaitlyn B08
Lot 6
Purebred Simmental
Bank Roll X 306 Jewel (Dream On)
Lot 21
Purebred Hereford
American Classic X 201 Dream Girl (Reload/116 Sandy)