Sullivan Farms Multi-Breed Open & Bred Heifer Sale

Open Heifer Sale – Monday, December 16th. Click Here to View Entire Sale. 

Bred Heifer Sale – Tuesday, December 17th. Click Here to View Entire Sale.

Lot 1 – JSUL Sultry Time 9602G
Sire: FHEN Halftime A127
Dam: JSUL Sultry Broker 6114d
DOB: 5/23/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: 50% Simmental
Simply a unique female. Lot 1 combines added muscle shape, bone, with width and dimension, exceptional body and eye appeal, she is an absolute beast. Her dam is a young new donor for us at Sullivan Farms that is a Broker daughter and stems back to the great JSUL Sultry 6640 donor cow that has produced multiple NAILE Supreme champion females, St Fair Supreme females and some the most proven and popular donor cows in the business.

Lot 7 – JSUL Penny On 9369G
Sire: BMW Onset
Dam: Miss Penny 15B
DOB: 4/24/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: 8.86% Chianina
Easy fleshing, sound structured female with incredible body shape. I really like this female for her overall completeness and show ring design. If u like them maternal, sound, and big-bodied study this one extra hard. Lot 7 should be a lot of fun through the year and if you’re looking for a heifer to show at the Chi Jr Nats, she will be a very competitive female this summer in Ohio. Her dam MISS Penny 15b is one of our most versatile donors that has clicked very well in our Simmental program as well as in the Chianina division. She is very easy fleshing, huge middle and sound as a cat.

Lot 18 – SULL Knighted Max 91257G
Sire: SULL Red Knight
Dam: SULL Max Rosa 310-3
DOB: 4/12/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: Shorthorn
A full sister to the 2019 National Jr Heifer show reserve grand champion female that recently sold thru the 2019 Where Future Generations are Created sale for $12,500. Lot 18 was brought in a little late and is still very green and has very minimal TLC but has all the parts and pieces to just keep getting better and better with time. Her dam Max Rosa 310 is one of the most dominant cows in the shorthorn breed.

Lot 36 – Steck Dunk Miley C 821 ET
Sire: MAV Charisma 906W
Dam: BMW Miley
DOB: 1/15/2018
Sex: Bred Heifer
Breed: shorthorn plus
Ultra-feminine female that has elite structural correctness in a very smooth maternal design. Lot 36 comes with a unique Shorthorn Plus pedigree that will give her new owner a lot of mating options in the future. Her dam, BMW Miley, is a Monopoly/Who Da Man donor cow for Steck and Dunk that has been one of their most elite donors over the past few years.

Lot 40
Sire: W/C LOADED UP 1119Y
Dam: Sib to First Class
DOB: 1/1/2019
Sex: Bred Heifer
Breed: 50% Simmental
Beast of a female in a maternal design. Lot 40 combines her overall mass and true dimension with added body shape added style and look through her front end. This female was raised by Luke Doris and out of an elite full sister to the great First Class. Whether you want to raise show heifers, show steers or even herd sires, we think Lot 40 has the makeup and build to do all the above.


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