(From left to right)
Best Showmen: Jacob Hines
Go-Getter: Raymond Jones
Most Improved: Eli Pettite
Best Fitter: Pepper White
Most Determined: Jayci McGowan
Pictured with: Stephen Custy, Jeff Sargent, Lyle Williams, Chris “Chief” Ellason, Chris McKee, Jon Mallard, Joel Judge, Justin Gosnell, Robby Derkowski, Dan Kelley, Jared Haynie, Charles Hill, and Dan Sullivan
(From left to right)
Most Determined: Kaylee Martinez
Best Showmen: Kaylee McInvale
Best Fitter: Cade Goldsmith
Go-Getter: Brooklin Tingle
Most Improved: Alec Pinkerton
Pictured with: Stephen Custy, Jeff Sargent, Lyle Williams, Chris “Chief” Ellason, Chris McKee, Jon Mallard, Joel Judge, Justin Gosnell, Robby Derkowski, Dan Kelley, Jared Haynie, Charles Hill, and Dan Sullivan
Congrats to all of our SSU Graduates!