Stock Show University® “Ready, Set, Grow” at the Maine-Anjou & Chianina Junior National

Winners include: Abby Cartmill (Scooter), Logan Williams (beSPOKE Andis Clippers), Rylee Codner (Fitters Guards 2), Lilly Parks (Volumizer), Macey Banter (Kleen Sheen), and Boyd Welch (Roto Brush).

This crew had a “reely” amazing time at the Stock Show University® clinic at the Maine-Anjou & Chianina Junior National today. What goodies and new knowledge did you walk away with?

Stock Show University® Manager Tess Mittag is always a ton of fun. How high of a score did you get in our new Kahoot game?

Stock Show University® Professor Jenna Craft shot out some AWESOME t-shirts with our t-shirt canon.

Ready, set, CATCH!

Stock Show University® Professor Jenna Craft always promotes quality hide and hair.

Focused, listening, and excited to hear about hide and hair!

Grab a friend and pull up a chair for the Stock Show University®!

This year’s Kahoot game was ultra-competitive!

Stock Show University® Professors Aaron Boyce and Nick Fitzsimmons are wondering why you haven’t already run to the Sullivan Supply trailer to pick up your OWN Volumizer.

Stock Show University® Professor Aaron Boyce demonstrates his strategy for hide and hair!

The pulse archive