Stock Show University | Pennsylvania Grad Program | Day Two

Fitting Demo
The day started off with the fitting demonstration, where attendees learned how to properly prepare their animal for the show ring.

Tracy and Group
Professor Tracy Coffland shares fitting tips with the Spangler family.

Josh Helping Clip
This weekend, Jordan Kelly had the chance to learn from one of our Master Professors, Josh Elder.

Kyle and Nathan
Professor Kyle Fleener instructs Nathan Spangler on the proper way to clip a back leg.

Josh with Showmanship
The showmanship segment is always a favorite for participants. Master Professor Josh Elder worked diligently with each participant to ensure they received the best education possible. Here, he is pictured sharing tips with Jordan Kelly.

PA Grad Junior Winners
8-13 Year Old Winners Pictured with Master Professor, Josh Elder, and Professor Kyle Fleener
Future Professor: Jordan Kelly
Go Getter: Jackson Kelly
Most Determined: Karli Barkheimer
Most Improved: Brooklyn Davis
Best Fitter: Haleigh Seabright
Best Clipper: Gracie Campbell
Best Showman: Katie Topper

PA Grad Senior Winners
14-21 Year Old Winners Pictured with Master Professor, Josh Elder, and Professor Kyle Fleener
Future Professor: Heidi Barkley
Go Getter: Cyle DeHaven
Most Determined: Courtney Murray
Most Improved: John Ring
Best Fitter: Hannah Davis
Best Clipper: Mariah Jewell
Best Showman: Mackenzie Yorlets

PA Grad Program Group
An enthusiastic group was in attendance this weekend!


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