It was a busy morning at the Sullivan Supply Fitting Trifecta!
The Stock Show U fitting supply favorites and Livestock loot giveaways were all in attendance today.
And the crowd goes wild for Stock Show U giveaways!
Master Professor Wess Richey & Professors Kevin Doonan & Jake Bohnsack diving into the Fitting Trifecta!
“Teachers Assistants”, Carter Hoge & Redmin Brumbaugh taking notes on the best fitting tips.
Master Professor Wess Richey reviewing breakdown products with the Char Spangled Banner Exhibitors.
Professor Kevin Noonan dialing in a top line!
Master Professor Wess Richey explaining the importance of letting the adhesive dry before clipping.
Professor Jake Bohnsack works on achieving the perfect belly!
Kinley Hughes grabbing all the loot she can!
Congratulations to Carter Hoge, Kirbe Koons & Kinley Hughes on wining the Livestock Loot prizes; pictured with Master Professor Wess Richey and Professors Kevin Doonan & Jake Bohnsack.