Professor Cody Green shares a laugh with clinic attendee Tyler Loudon during the showmanship showdown competition.
Team Recknor with PD Miller, Wes Horn and Jess Recknor.
Kale Spengler working hands-on with a clinic participant.
Master Professor Josh Elder working with his team during the Ultimate Fitting Challenge.
John Sullivan, Founder of Sullivan Supply, Stock Show U and Sullivan Farms handing out fun prizes.
And all the clinic attendees were excited to get some stuff.
Showmanship Showdown winners pictured with John Sullivan, Founder of Sullivan Supply, Stock Show U and Sullivan Farms and Professor Ryan Dunklau. Emily Thorsen, Justin Mente and Josie Wilkins.
A great lineup of professors at the Maine/Chi clinic.
Professor Ryan Dunklau chats about some showmanship tips.
Professor Wes Horn clipping a top.
Kennedy Core helps a hands-on showmanship participant out with the perfect hand placement.