Grace Murphy is all smiled after her Reserve ORB win!
Justin Poe, Collin Burnett and Cody Aowe are the dream team!
Garrett Ragan getting those final touches done!
Blake Read getting his heifer dry.
Autry Smith is in the zone for show day.
Eva Bayer has her eyes on the prize.
Weston Holloway getting his Shorthorn heifer ready to show with his Sullivan’s Smart Comb.
Gavin Jones channeling his inner Big Tex for the last day of the fair.
Audrey Fowler working some hair with her trusty Sullivan’s Kleen Sheen.
Doug Jones clipping out a top.
Kora Bayer getting ready for the final day of shows.
SFT Interns, Aubree Blissard and Bradie Midcap, guiding the Champion ORB, Kennadi Brogdon, down her runway.