We are excited to announce our Showtimes/Sullivan Supply Stall Bid-Off for the Blackout Jackpot 4! Caldwell-Willoughby will be hosting the bid-off online March 11, 2016 at cwcattlesales.com!
The winning bidder will be able to unload their cattle and go straight to a pre-made Sullivan Supply/Showtimes themed stall!
Includes: 2 End Panels, Blower, Turbo Fan with Upright Fan Stand, 22′ stall rubber mat, shavings, electrical and a custom S/S, Showtimes, Blackout 4 and Green & Gold Showdown tarp!
Proceeds from the bid-off will go towards scholarships! Last year we awarded 6 scholarships totaling $3,500! If you are a High School Senior or College Student, please sign up for an interview time at the show by emailing lisa_theshowtimes@yahoo.co