Selling Tonight on SCO | Netzke Show Cattle Annual Online Fall Sale

Netzke Show Cattle Annual Online Fall Sale closes tonight on SC Online Sales! Please call or text with any questions you may have on the offering.
Glen: (507) 530- 6275
Christian: (507) 829-3284
Thomas: (507) 530-6276
Paige: (507) 829-7926

Lot 1 | Here I Am x Garth/Irish Whiskey | MaineTainer/Chi Steer

Lot 3 | Wynne in Doubt x Garth/Irish Whiskey | MaineTainer/Chi Steer

Lot 4 | In God We Trust x 506 (Monopoly) | Chi Steer

Lot 5 | Extra Special x Holy Smoker | Crossbred Steer

Lot 9 | Made 2 Order x 223 Donor (Heat Wave) | Chi Steer

Lot 26 | In God We Trust x Monopoly/Paris Donor (Hairy Bear) | Chi Composite Heifer

The pulse archive