San Angelo Stock Show – Hope Koonsman Foundation

Hope Koonsman Foundation
“We will stay strong in our battles because you stayed strong in yours.”

While you’re walking through the barns at the San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, there’s a good chance that you will spot an orange steer sticker with the word “HOPE” in the middle of it. That sticker represents a story that has brought an entire community together.

The Hope Koonsman Foundation was started by Hope’s parents, James and Robyn Koonsman, to honor their oldest daughter that passed away at the young age of 19 years old due to a rare medical condition that she had been battling on and off since she was a child. Hope was planning on attending Texas Tech University to study agriculture, and she spent her free-time loving on people and cattle. One of her biggest goals after she graduated from high school was to stay involved with the stock show industry and continue to support the youth in her community in whatever way possible. After she passed away on November 30th, 2013, her parents knew that they couldn’t let her dream fade away. They decided to start The Hope Koonsman Foundation to help raise money to purchase exhibitor’s projects at the Hill County Fair, create scholarships, and sponsor belt buckles.

On September 8th, 2015 tragedy struck, yet again for the Koonsman family. Robyn, who had been battling breast cancer on and off for years, passed away. Not for a minute did Robyn ever lose her strength and composure, though. She always kept a smile on her face and trusted that God had a plan for her and her family even through the hardest of times. Together, James and his youngest daughter Jordyn, continued to stay strong thanks to the support of their friends, family and the community. “The rodeo and stock show communities have been absolutely incredible to us. We are forever grateful to every single person that has shown us love throughout these last couple years,” says James. There is even a street in Blum that was renamed “Hope St.” The street sign is painted pink in remembrance of Robyn.

Stock shows and the Koonsman family name go hand-in-hand. It is something that Robyn was extremely passionate about while she was growing up, and it was definitely something that was passed down to her daughters. Hope’s favorite part about showing was the showmanship competition. That’s why the five scholarships they are currently giving out are awarded to the showmanship winners in the market hog, goat, lamb, steer and breeding heifer shows at the Hill County Fair.

Jordyn on the other hand loves the adrenaline rush that goes along with showing and rodeoing. “Nothing beats the excitement I feel when I walk out into the ring or enter the arena during a rodeo. Between that feeling and making the sale at a stock show, it doesn’t get much better!” says Jordyn. She uses the majority of her sister’s old show equipment so that she can always have a piece of Hope with her. The only thing she doesn’t use is Hope’s showstick, because it proudly hangs in their house on display for all to see. Her goals include going to the NFR and eventually going to Texas Tech to pursue her dreams of vet school.

The foundation holds various events throughout the year such as a dinner/dance and an annual golf tournament to raise money so that the foundation can be successful and make contributions to the county. This year, the foundation was able to raise a little over $18,000. “Just seeing the hats, sweatshirts and stickers across the state at all of the different shows is a constant reminder that Hope and Robyn both touched so many people,” says James. While visiting with James and Jordyn, they kept telling me that they primarily wanted to let everybody know how appreciative they are for all that has been done for them and the foundation. James says, “Without a doubt, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for the communities that have come together to help us get back to ‘normal’. We’ll never forget all that has been done for us and we hope to stay in this industry for as long as possible.”

If you want to learn more about the Hope Koonsman Foundation visit their Facebook page or call the number below:
Hope Koonsman Foundation
James Koonsman: 254-717-6211


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